16 de febrero de 2011

Lamentamos que el presupuesto presentado por el presidente Obama reduzca programas mientras aumenta el presupuesto militar

El presupuesto para el complejo militar industrial de los EEUU propuesto por el presidente Obama asigna $553 mil millones para el Departamento de Defensa y $118 mil millones adicionales para "gastos de guerra". Nos parece obsceno ya que se les quitan fondos a programas de servicios sociales y educativos. Sabemos que estas asignaciones militares cuestan vidas humanas y dolores inconmensurables... :
"El presidente Obama dio a conocer un plan presupuestario que aspira a reducir el déficit federal recortando o eliminando unos 200 programas federales, muchos de ellos dedicados a servicios sociales y educación, al tiempo que aumenta el gasto militar y la financiación para la construcción de centrales nucleares. Al presentar su propuesta presupuestaria de 3.700 millones de dólares, Obama hizo gala de su anterior promesa de congelar el gasto en programas nacionales no relacionados con las fuerzas armadas durante cinco años. El plan de Obama incluye dos ligeros aumentos de los impuestos a bancos y empresas petrolíferas. También contempla acabar en 2013 con los recortes fiscales de la era Bush a los estadounidenses más adinerados y llevar el impuesto a la herencia a los niveles de 2009, mayores que los actuales.
AMY GOODMAN: President Obama has unveiled a budget plan seeking to trim the federal deficit by cutting or eliminating over 200 federal programs, many dedicated to social services and education. The $3.7 [trillion] proposal would cut funding in half for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which subsidizes heating costs for low-income Americans. It also calls for cutting $300 million from community development block grants and limiting an expansion of the Pell grant program for low-income college students.
Announcing the proposal, Obama touted his previously stated pledge to freeze funding for domestic programs outside of the military for five years.
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: As a start, I've called for a freeze on annual domestic spending over the next five years. This freeze would cut the deficit by more than $400 billion over the next decade, bringing this kind of spending—domestic discretionary spending—to its lowest share of our economy since Dwight Eisenhower was president. Let me repeat that. Because of our budget, this share of spending will be at its lowest level since Dwight Eisenhower was president. That level of spending is lower than it was under the last three administrations, and it will be lower than it was under Ronald Reagan. Now, some of the savings will come through less waste and more efficiency.
AMY GOODMAN: Obama's plan includes two modest tax hikes for banks and oil companies. It also calls for ending the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans in 2013 and returning the estate tax to its higher 2009 levels. But it comes less than two months after Obama signed into law a measure that temporarily extended the tax cuts and reduced the estate tax, adding over $500 billion to the federal deficit. According to the White House, the deficit will reach a record $1.6 trillion next year.
The Pentagon meanwhile will see its first spending reduction since the 9/11 attacks, but only at modest levels. The budget allots $553 billion for the Pentagon's regular spending—$12 billion less than what the military expected, but still three percent higher over fiscal year 2011. Another $118 billion is earmarked for war-time spending." 15-2-2011