Conocemos el caso de la joven madre military Britney, quien fue eximida de la custodia de su prole por estar en la milicia. Apoyemos su lucha por recobrarla: FB; SupportVeteranMotherBritney:
Military parents are losing custody of their children everyday solely based on their commitment to the Military. A lot of these parents joined for their families, to provide a better life for them. In fact one of the main ways the Military gets you to join is by selling the fact that the Military is so "family friendly" and they list all the things that you can offer for your families. Yet when a military member goes to battle for custody they automatically lose solely based on their decision to serve their country. Courts are deeming them "unstable" and some of the time placing them in an even more "unstable" home. A lot of military parents have gone to battle for custody upon returning home from deployment and even after their military commitment is over, and are still losing all because they choose to serve their country. This is NOT right!"